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Intrinsiq Support: Choosing the right School Management System for your school

Published Bernice on Wednesday, April 14, 2021 12:00 AM

Choosing the right School Management System for your school

Choosing the right School Management System for your school or university is a very important decision to make for any education provider as this is something that will affect everything from budgeting, to planning, to forecasting, to business data analysis, and most importantly, the customer journey. And it is for this reason that research and analysis play a key role in making this important decision….and there’s no better time than the present to do this. Right now most schools are not very busy with students due to the current global situation, and it is a very wise decision to use this time to look at what services your school needs, what you are currently making use of and to also compare what’s on the market. That way, when things do finally go back to normal, you will be in a position to open up your doors with a bang!

Get your employees to review your current system for you

One good exercise, and one which can only be done in times like these, is to review your current School Management System inside out. And there’s no better way to do it then to get your team members, i.e. those who use it on a day-to-day basis to review it and tell you what needs to be updated, what works and what doesn’t. 

Now is the perfect time to learn a new system

Now is also the right time to get acquainted with the updates that you make to your system, or to learn how to use a new system if you choose to change all together. That way members of staff can get the right training, at a slower pace than usual, to ensure that once everything goes back to normal, the system is 100% functional and everyone knows how to operate it.

So what should one look for exactly?

Once you and your team have decided that some changes are indeed necessary, here’s what we suggest you look for:

  1. Make sure your School Management System is customizable - you want something that reflects YOUR way of doing things.
  2. Make sure your Service Provider involves you in the process - that way both you and the provider can rest assured that the end-product will be exactly what you want.
  3. Insist on having a flexible School Management System - A good CRM is one that enables you to retain the systems and processes that you already have in place and integrate with them. 
  4. Make sure that your School Management System enables you to gather data from your online booking forms - Sometimes, students start the booking process but then stop half way for one reason or other. A good system is one that enables you to pull out this kind of data, show you exactly where the student stopped and allow you to make contact with them. 
  5. Make sure that your School Management System is cloud-based - Cloud based systems are highly efficient and also effective for a variety of reasons including increased capacity, scalability, functionality, as well as reduced maintenance and cost for computer infrastructure or members of staff.
  6. Make sure that your School Management System allows you to turn business data into business intel - that way you can pull out reports, track agent performance, interpret enquiries, forecast, and identify emerging market trends.

9 months FREE hosting on top of that

If you are not yet convinced that you, at least, need to have a chat with us, don’t forget that we are giving our clients 9 months free hosting when they use our services.

Contact us today

If you have any questions, or wish to discuss any issues that you may have with your current school management system, do not hesitate to contact us. We are always happy to hear from you and to assist you in any way we can. Drop us a line on [email protected] to schedule a call.

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